How far along? 26 Weeks
Size of baby? Size of a head of lettuce, 13.6-14.8 inches, 1.5-2.2 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Nothing this week
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good, except the fact that some nights I get up to pee 3 times.
Best moment this week: Got the baby's room painted, still need to do some touch ups.
Have you told family and friends: Told family and now friends
Miss Anything? All my non pregnancy clothes, being less fat.
Movement: yes!
Food cravings: sandwiches and sadly ice cream
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender prediction: It’s a Girl!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Feeling happy most of the time. Crying a lot though
Looking forward to: Still getting the nursery, lots and lots to do!!
25 Weeks
We are so close to entering into the 3rd and last trimester of our pregnancy, I'm not looking forward to being uncomfortable all the time. I'm hoping it goes fast, so our baby gets here sooner. This week at the doctor we signed up for birthing classes, not super excited, but it will be good for us because when the baby finally does make her appearance we will be a little more prepared than if we didn't take the classes.
How far along? 25 WeeksSize of baby? Size of a cauliflower, about 13.6-14.8 in. and 1.5-2.2 lbs.
Maternity clothes? New dress and a few shirts
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good, except the fact that some nights I get up to pee 3 times.
Best moment this week: Started feeling her kick!!!
Have you told family and friends: Told family and now friends
Miss Anything? All my non pregnancy clothes
Movement: yes!
Food cravings: Nothing this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender prediction: It’s a Girl!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Feeling happy most of the time. Crying a lot though
Looking forward to: Still getting the nursery ready, almost have it all cleaned out and ready to paint!!
Nail Stamping
I was looking on pinterest the other day and found this website about nail stamping, I've been wondering for a while how they get those intricate designs on their nails.
I found a video at Daily Something that shows exactly how to do it an what you need, it looks super easy. She also has links to buy them, they have knock off ones at Amazon that are super cheap, so I thought I'd give it a try so this is what I got: the nail stamper and scraper, Konad nail art stamping polish- white (the video said to get a thicker nail polish because the others will dry faster), image plate M73, image plate M64, and image plate M51. The cool thing is that on amazon it will show you the image plate and pictures of nails with the stamping on them. These 5 things plus shipping was only about $20! I purchased these online at about 10:30 PM and they shipped early the next day, super fast. I’ll let you know how it goes, I’m super excited!!!

Nursery Ideas
I have been soooo stressed about the nursery the last month or so, just ask Tyson (:. I think I've got it almost figured out exactly what I'm going to do in there. We've (I've) picked the colors for the room, yellow and gray. The paint color that we have picked is Sterling from Behr. This week we plan on painting, hopefully it will happen. We’ve got a few more things that need to be cleaned out in there and wipe all the walls and baseboards down. I haven’t decided on the fabric just yet, I’ve looked everywhere in Logan, and haven’t found anything I love. There is this fabric store that does have some really good choices though, so I may go there. I’ve added a picture of what I want the ruffle skirt to look like, just different fabric. I found a chair I love, it’s the Eames Rocking Chair, it is close to $600,and there’s no way that I could afford it. I did find another on that is only $120, so much more reasonable. I didn’t know if I wanted to trust overstock so I found another website that sells modern furniture and I found it at Rex Kelly Mid Century Classics, this one is only $150. I read reviews on it, they all said that it’s a pretty uncomfortable chair and that it is very small, almost a childs chair. I’d heard of an Overstock Outlet store in SLC so we went and checked it out and I found a knockoff of the Eames Side Chair, that is similar, it jus doesn’t rock. I felt it and sat in it, and didn’t like it at all. So, we decided that was definitely off our list. Instead we are going to go with this Poang Rocking Chair. There are a few options for colors on the cushion and the base, but we love it and it’s comfortable and contemporary enough for me.On the largest wall in the nursery I’ve decided to buy a very large frame (if I can find one) and use just the frame and put either the baby’s name in it or a picture like the picture on the far left. I don’t want too much going on in the room, so I’ll also use these wall flowers that I found at Bed Bath and Beyond. The other wall is small and I’m planning on doing a couple of shelve with animals and pictures on them like the picture on the far right but instead of the mirror, I will use this felt flower on a fabric wrapped canvas I found on pinterest.
In the corner of the wall I’m thinking of doing these Pom Poms I also found on Pinterest. There’s another wall in the Nursery that has the closet and a built in dresser and shelves. And I found this really cool idea again on Pinterest that you basically take clear glass jars and pour some paint in them and let it dry it is very cool. I found an online store that sells really cheap glass jars or I’ll just get them from Hobby Lobby, they also have some pretty cheap ones.
If anyone is interested I found a website that you can use as a space planner. The The Make Room lets you put in the dimensions of your room and then you can put in furniture and other things. I did that with the nursery because it is a very small room, only 8’ x 7’6”, you know what I’m talking about if you’ve seen it. It’s only about big enough for a crib and a chair. Luckily there is a built in dresser. If anyone has any other ideas for my nursery, please let me know. I would love to hear it.
23 Weeks!!
We are soo excited to have made it past the halfway point, but we've still got a ways to go.
How far along? 23 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: about a pound
Size of baby? Size of a grapefruit, about 10.5 inches and 12.7 oz.
Maternity clothes? Nothing this week.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good, except the fact that some nights I get up to pee 3 times.
Best moment this week: Started feeling her kick!!!
Have you told family and friends: Told family and now friends
Miss Anything? My old pants
Movement: yes!
Food cravings: Nothing this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Have you started to show yet: Starting to have a belly
Gender prediction: It’s a Girl!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Feeling happy most of the time. Crying a lot though
Looking forward to: Still getting the nursery ready, almost have it all cleaned out and ready to paint!!
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